Our Services
When it comes to hosting events in our home, my husband always jokes that I’m the hostess and he’s the logistics guy, and he could not be more correct. (Don’t tell him, though).
The same is true when it comes to the services we offer. I lead with compassion and emotion, while my husband excels in the methodical, data-driven approach. Together we are a great team!
As a Travel Coach Network Certified Travel Coach, I conduct the coaching sessions, but you’ll get both pieces of expertise here at LuckyBucky!
A free 30-minute Discovery Call for the eager parent who is ready to take steps to learn more about how to reduce the stress of travel.
This offer is for the parent who may have travel experience - or none at all! Either way, you have a mental or logistical obstacle standing in the way of your perfect vacation. Maybe you are worried about a long-haul flight with your toddler, you need help nailing down the best itinerary, or finding activities that all travelers will enjoy. Reach out and we will work through the challenge together!
This package is for you if you are a parent who needs guidance working through the details of trip planning, and/or who wants accountability for staying organized and focused. Utilizing my signature planning process, which breaks down trip planning into manageable pieces, I will assist you in designing a meaningful and fulfilling solo, couples, or family trip, empowering you through your own research and decision making.